How to find God’s plan for your life?
A 10 part video series that will unleash God’s purpose for your life and ministry.
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How to find God’s plan for your life?
A 10 part video series that will unleash God’s purpose for your life and ministry.
A course of study & action that will show you how to find God’s Plan for your life
You will uncover:
✓ Two things that can hinder you from seeing God’s future for you.
✓ Two things that can block God’s blessings to you.
✓ Two things that will unlock God’s plan for your life.
✓ The “how to’s” to bring God’s plan into reality for you.
Your benefits:
✓ Wake up each day greeting it with enthusiasm and energy!
✓ See anxiety and frustration as a thing of the past!
✓ See opportunities, daily, that will draw you to the fulfillment of God’s plan.
✓ Experience better health and a sense of peace and well-being.
✓ Experience enthusiasm for life and others that you never had before!
For your investment in the program, you receive:
✓ A personal 128 page manual with easy to follow text and illustrations
✓ Practical exercises to make the training highly personal and effective
✓ Opportunity to ask questions via email as you go through the course
✓ Planned conference calls for group discussions
✓ 13 instructional videos.
Your Instructor
Some years ago, the Lord, through the Holy Spirit revealed a program to Jim that shows Christians how they can discover how wonderfully God made them and just what His plan is for their lives. He has had a lifetime desire to see Christians become all that God created them to be so that they will realize their full potential as Ambassador’s for Christ which can be achieved through this program.